Rev. Dr. Christine Isham (one of our members) will be teaching a Zentangle class this coming Saturday (Jan. 14) at Prescott UCC in Prescott, WI (across the river from Hastings, MN). The church is located at 206 Locust St. N in Prescott, and the class will run from 1:00 – 3:30 PM. Cost: $25 per person which includes supplies.

Zentangle is the process of drawing simple, repetitive shapes, a line or circle or triangle or “S” shape and focusing on each pen stroke. You can tangle no matter what your level of artistic abilities. As a spiritual practice, Zentangle quiets the mind and stills the spirit. The philosophy of “no mistakes” encourages incorporation of every stroke into our meditation and quiets the voice of self-criticism and worrying about outcomes.

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