We welcome Jim Reilly to our music staff! Jim will be joining Doran as one of our pianists for Sunday worship services. Jim Reilly is a pianist, tenor, composer, sometime organist, and is the Music Director Emeritus at Mindekirken, our area’s only surviving Norwegian language congregation. Although he retired from that job fifteen years ago he returns frequently, as he did all Fall to cover a gap in organist staffing, and he co-chairs the church’s annual Leif Eriksson International Festival. Jim has performed in twenty states as well as Norway and Holland.

While much of his performing involves Nordic music, he is of a different mixed European heritage himself (Italian, Franco-Provenzale, German, and Irish) and he speaks French, and, less well, Italian; he’s an active member of the Twin Cities Alliance Française, where he has performed frequently.

Jim lives a short way from the church at Lyndale and 25th. In his spare time he works out at the gym, bikes, and swims (“I can’t keep singing if I don’t keep this aging body in shape”).

CategoryMusic, news
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