Would you be interested in being in a small group to gather for dinner, perhaps once a month, during Pastor Laurie’s sabbatical? If so, please sign up in one or more of the following categories. We will put the groups together and contact everyone to let them know what group they are in.

Sign up below...

Dinner at restaurants#1: Dan A.
#2: Kirsten C.
#3: Michael C.
#4: Daniel R.
#5: Rena T.
#6: Ron K.
#7: Alice K.
#8: Tammy R.
#9: Paul R.
#10: Henrietta S.
#11: Theresa B.
#12: Rodney H.
#13: Jack P.
#14: Ann A.
#15: Karen K.
#16: Keith S.
#17: Jim L.
#18: Lynda L.
Dinner in our homes#1: Dan A.
Dinner gatherings on Zoom#1:
Any combination of the above#1: Dan A.
#2: Jen K.
#3: Melinda N.
#4: Arlan N.
#5: Mitch G.

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