Seasonal Affective Disorder happens when a lack of sunlight affects our moods and ability to cope effectively. Spiritual Affective Disorder can also be a condition when we’ve had prolonged stress and life is disturbingly uncertain. What is our faithful response to our strained mental health? What if everyday life activities could become spiritual practices — deepening our experience of a meaningful life and helping us shine a light on the “blahs?”

As part of the series, there is a guided journal available for you to use as a reflection guide during the series: FCC SAD Spiritual Affective Disorder – Guided Journal

Additionally, each week there will be an opportunity for you to engage with the weekly worship theme throughout the week. There will be 3 weekly cards that will be available in the sanctuary, or you can download them here:

Week 1: Week 1 Action Week 1 BW Week 1 Color

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