It’s not very often that we have General Assembly in our own back yard (the last time it was in Des Moines was in 1985)!  Time to load up the bus and go, go, go!

Oh, wait.  You don’t know what I’m talking about?  Let me step back for a moment.  Every two years, the entirety of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada gathers together – think of it as the largest family reunion you’ve ever been to, with approximately 3,500 members of your extended church family.  

Imagine this:

Worship that lifts your soul.
Stories that touch your heart.
Educational resources to assist your congregation in ministry.
Conversations that stretch your mind.
Messages that call you to action.
Connections that remind you that God’s family is bigger than a local congregation.

All this and more in five short days!

Do you like to sing?  Perfect – there’s an All-Assembly Choir that you can be a part of.

Are you an elder?  There’s two learning sessions at this assembly just for you, plus learning opportunities and experiences for all ages on all kinds of subjects.  

Like to do mission in the community? There will be many opportunities for you to roll up your sleeves and make a difference in the wider Des Moines community.

And, we know how to have fun! There’s going to be a butter chalice, Yoga in the Park, tours of local attractions, and so much more! 

Registration prior to March 31 is only $165.00 for adults, $140 for young adults (19-29), $100 for youth (13-18), and $85 for preschool/elementary.  There are many lodging options, including several that will be served by shuttles.  

Want to learn more and to register? Visit the assembly website  

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