Disciples Women’s social action emphasis through 2018 is a focus on human trafficking…very relevant as we prepare for the Super Bowl here in Minneapolis. Why?  The 2003 Innocence Lost National Initiative identified the Twin Cities as the thirteenth most trafficked area within the United States.  The FBI recently estimated that in Minnesota, approximately 100 girls under the age of eighteen are sold into sex trafficking each month. Minnesota is particularly affected by trafficking because we are a border state and we have large international ports.

Disciples Women are focusing on three areas of  human trafficking, three links of the chain. Visit each link to learn more. Be aware, get involved, make a difference.
The resources below can help get you started. 

Chain Link 1. Sex trafficking
Women, men, boys and especially girls as young as 9-years old are being targeted by traffickers every day.

Chain Link 2. Immigration/Labor trafficking
Labor trafficking is at epic proportions and is closely tied to the immigration issues in this country.

Chain Link 3. Demand
Working to decrease demand for sex and labor services, can help to decrease trafficking.

FCC is partnering with Civil Society to help address these issues and be involved during the Super Bowl.  For more information, please talk to Pastor Laurie.

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