This year’s Prayer Vigil begins at 8 pm on Maundy Thursday (April 1) and ends at 3 pm on Good Friday (April 2).  Prayer will be from your own location this year, not in SpringHouse. Vigil segments are 30 minutes in length – you can sign up for more than one. Click here to signup

In our Lenten worship this year, the focus has been on Holy Vessels. WE are the Holy Vessels. Here are some suggestions for your Prayer Vigil time.

Gather: Find a quiet, comfortable place; bring your glass shard with you; light a candle; bring your Bible, hymnal or other spiritual reading.

Approach: Close your eyes and center yourself in your space–the space becomes sacred because you are in it; take a deep breath, let it out and feel your heart expand and open.

Ask: Make your desires known to God, including help with struggles you are facing. Express thankfulness for the gift of Jesus that God gave to us and for all the blessings in your life. “Prayer means that, in some unique way, we believe we’re invited into a relationship with someone who hears us when we speak in silence.” — Anne Lamott

Believe: Listen for the voice of God, giving you new strength to face the world. “Light of the world, enter into the depths of our lives. Be present through the silent hours and bring us safely to your glorious light.” (David Adam)

Know: God is ever present and walks with us, hand in hand; feel that knowledge in your core.

Response: Consider how your prayer time has fortified you to go back into the world and “to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God.”

CategoryHoly Week
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