On April 3-5, 2018 the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA and partners will gather in Washington, D.C. for a historic event to launch its Truth and Racial Justice Initiative. Pastor Laurie, representing Disciples Public Presence, our General Minister & President, Rev. Terri Hord Owens, and Rev. Bill Spangler-Dunning (our Regional Minister) will be among hundreds of other Disciples standing up against racism.  April 3-5 is only the beginning.  Our #rally2endracism is the launch of a comprehensive, multi-year program to address racism in our nation.

As we mark 50 years since the assassination of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968, we will commit to do our part to eradicate the entrenched racism that grips the United States and paralyzes our ability to see every human being as equal.

We challenge ourselves and our communities to join in truth-telling, leading to actions that right the wrongs, and, with God’s grace, bring healing and wholeness to all people, and unity to the nation.

  • AWAKEN ourselves to the truth that racism is ever-present, deeply rooted in American culture, and profoundly damaging to our communities.

  • CONFRONT racism, speak truth to ourselves, our communities and institutions, and stand against injustice.

  • TRANSFORM the hearts, minds, and behaviors of people and structures that shape society.  Learn more

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