At our 2017 General Assembly in Indianapolis next month, there are 2 resolutions of particular interest to First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Minneapolis.

The first one is GA-1722, REPUDIATION OF THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY: A CALL TO EDUCATION AND ACTION AND SUPPORT FOR INDIGENOUS VOICES IN THE WITNESS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST). The submitters of this resolution urge the Church to examine the ways the Christian Doctrine of Discovery has shaped our understandings and to find ways to incorporate the indigenous voice into the life of all three expressions of the Church as well as educational institutions affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). FCC Minneapolis is a co-signer on this resolution, and you can learn more by clicking on the title above, or by clicking here

The second one is GA-1723, ON BECOMING IMMIGRANT WELCOMING CONGREGATIONS. Disciples ministries including the Central Pastoral Office for Hispanic Ministries, Refugee and Immigration Ministries of Disciples Home Missions, Disciples Women, Disciples Immigration Legal Counsel, North American Pacific/Asian Disciples, National Benevolent Association, National Convocation and Iglesia Alas de Salvacion (AZ) and Iglesia Christiana Emanuel (TX) are calling on congregations to consider becoming “immigrant welcoming congregations” by engaging in prayer and action around issues of immigration, providing supportive resources and programs to their local immigrant communities and building bridges between congregations that are majority immigrant and majority non-immigrant. Since we have recently voted to become a sanctuary-supporting congregation, these are “next step” items for us.

You can learn more about how business is conducted at General Assembly here.

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