Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. — Philippians 2:3  It seems the world these days teeters between those who seek…

SpringHouse family: We’re going to gather outdoors for worship on Sunday, August 15!! Please bring a mask to wear during our joint worship. Out of an abundance of caution, because…

Pilgrimage has long been a practice of spiritual devotion, not just in Christianity but in Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and most other spiritual traditions. Major experiences such as the Camino de…

In the midst of bad news, fake news and no-news-is-good-news, wouldn’t you like to reclaim the wonder, joy and goodness of life? What if we lived life truly connected to…

Jeanelle Austin

Jeanelle Austin is co-founder and lead caretaker of the George Floyd Global Memorial, where she guides a team of volunteers to stand in the unique space of preservation and protest….

As Easter people, we are called to dance our dances of freedom for all the world to see–even and perhaps especially in times of great difficulty. Dances of hope. Dances…

Our new worship series for Lent is “Holy Vessels”. Each of us is created a precious and holy vessel of embodied love. We have been through a harrowing time since…

For our November worship series, we’ll be taking a look at Gratitude. If gratitude is good, why is it so hard to do? We’ll be untangling our conflicting understandings of…

This year’s Stewardship theme is “Together For Joy”, and the worship series will run October 11 through November 1 (Commitment Sunday). We’ll be hearing from members of our congregation why…

Here are the slideshows from this morning’s worship service (the slide shows will download to your computer): World Communion Sunday – Children’s Moment slide show World Communion Sunday Slide Show…

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